Vanna Bonta Quotes

Your kisses are thieves which leave me wanting nothing.

Vanna Bonta

I wanted you to know me.

Vanna Bonta

Truth is too big a price to pay for the luxury of avoiding pain now and then.

Vanna Bonta

Life is my lover.

Vanna Bonta

Pure at heart: to be like a flower that blooms as gloriously, brilliantly in a secluded wild wood, not seen and praised.

Vanna Bonta

I am in prayer. I am one hand, this Universe the other.

Vanna Bonta

Flaws like roadmaos I see. They are detours to you that I don't take.

Vanna Bonta

I wished to dub as Masters: Love, Truth, Serenity. They'd feed and house and teach me with total sovereignty.

Vanna Bonta

You won't feel under-dressed when with your naked heart you come to me, for mine is past the point to dress for company.

Vanna Bonta

Always is no Time at all.

Vanna Bonta

Why have a cake if I can't eat it?

Vanna Bonta

The beauty you see in me is a reflection of you.

Vanna Bonta

Sex in space is not about going somewhere else to have sex; it's ultimately about expanding beyond our immediate neighborhood, into a Universe to which we belong.

Vanna Bonta

People have been making love and having sex in space over the thousands of years that our ancestors lived and traveled in small hunting-and-gathering bands. Earth is in Space.

Vanna Bonta

Human migration beyond Earth is our destiny, not as in something preordained, but in the sense of it being inevitable and necessary. The lot of humanity seems to be that of expanding consciousness into new territory.

Vanna Bonta
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